how to play

because playing the game shouldn’t be as hard as you are.

  • step 1: pick a card

  • step 2: choose your prompt

  • step 3: go buckwild

  • gameplay

    1. last person who had an orgasm goes first.

    2. take turns pulling a card and pick one of the three bases:

    First Base
     is full of mild intimacy builders.

    Second Base warms up with some sex-based questions.

    Third Base turns the heat all the way up with some spicy tasks!

    3. go through as many cards as needed before things get spicy.

    *just remember*: consent is key. everyone reserves the right to say “no!” or "pass!"

    See a term in the game you don’t know? Check out our handy glossary.

  • pick a base

  • poly rules

    1. if you choose a First Base question, answer based on the player to your left. 

    2. if you choose a Second Base question, answer based on the player to your right. 

    3. if you choose a Third Base task/question, spin a bottle and see where it lands!

  • unhinged rules

    one player picks only from Second Base questions or Third Base tasks.

    everyone answers the question or completes the task.

    (consent still reigns supreme. no means no.)

if you have more questions, feel free to reach out to us directly at